Saturday, December 30, 2006

One down, three to go.

Well my ladies and my homies, I'm all done my first semester of school. As we say, one down and three to go. The next one starts in less than a week. It's gonna be a ripper. But I got my marks back from first semester now, and I guess I'm fairly well satisfied, considering I really did a lot of slacking, way more than I should have. Most of my marks were in the seventies, I think a few in the eighties, and one in the ninties. i have to look more closely, but I'm satisfied. But I will have to be more diligent in the time to come. So if you see me slacking off, ask me if my homework is done... haha, just kidding, seriously don't, I have enough parents who think I am still twelve...

So, I just made a sweet purchase on eBay, a new external hard drive for my MacBook. It's a sweet drive that they sell on the apple web site, but I found it on eBay for like a hundred bucks less, and it's even cheaper than it would be for me to make my own. Awesome. Besides, it looks sweet. It's called a G-Drive, and it fits with a mac better than any enclosure I could have found. Did I mention how sweet it looks? It's just cool, I'm so stoked that I found it on eBay for a cheap as I did, brand new, 250GB Hard Drive.

I'm tired and angry, i'm going to bed.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Git 'er Done!

Two more exams my peops. Man, I can't wait for school to be over, it feels like a really short weekend every day almost. it's like it's not busy but it's never done. Well, on Tuesday at noon, les jeux s'est fait, translation, the game is up, your ass is mine. Anyone, anyone, anyone at all...? I'll be giving you more after exams. Peace.

Welcome home Allison.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Does This Look Swollen?

Dudes, you know when you're like tobogganing down a hill with a bunch of your friends around, and you're feeling crazy? And you're messing around and you start to do crazy stuff, like taking sleds down slides, like a bobsled track down the tube slide. And you know how you cool runnings down the tube slide on the big sled and come flying out the end, and the you like fully smash you're face right into the end of a big log? No? oh, I guess it's just me.

Yep, that's my broken face after doing just that. Face plus log equals blood and pain. This happened only hours ago, and here I sit to bring you the news; I should get an award, and not a Darwin award like you might be thinking. I didn't even see the stupid log, it was a good fifteen feet away from the end of the slide. (No Tasha, you may not post exactly what I know you are thinking). YOu know what the worst part is. You know nobody plays on that stupid log, it just sits there not getting used, waiting for some unsuspecting bob sledder to happen along it. There's no kids yelling, "Last one to the elevated log is a rotten egg!" or, "Yeah! Let's go play on the elevated log!" Why? Because it's a freeking elevated log. Elevated to the exact height of a face that used to be attached to a body laying on the ground, I might add.

So anyway, now my face hurts, and my nose may be brken. Maybe I'm just paranoid but it doesn't look straight anymore. I can feel the constant swelling, as is to be expected. Obviously it hurt when it happened, I might have even blacked out for a moment, concussion maybe. But it didn't hurt afterwards most likely because my face was really cold. There was a second after when it didn't bleed, but then I felt the first drop dribble out and then it was over, a spatter of crimson in the pale snow. Still I was able to laugh it off, as if Cassie wasn't doing enough laughing for us all. But now that my face has thawed, here comes the pain. Tomorrow morning is not going to be pretty. So I've iced my face once and that felt heavenly, but now I can feel it swelling again. It's like I'm wearing an ice mask.

Afterwards I really wished smeone had a camera and had gotten it on tape, because if you're getting your face smashed you might as well get it on video. That would have been the number one video on YouTube, for real.

Well, at least if my nose is broken, I'll have a sweet story to tell everybody in my old age, back when men were men, and sledding was sledding. Peace.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A week late, a hair

I know I know, it's a week late as per the last post, but a series of unfortunate events, known as life, happened to occur. Anyways, here we go...

and that is the front of my head, confusing thought that may be...

And that is one of me faves.

So, what's the deal you might say. Well, the deal is this. These photographs above were taken on Tuesday night of yesterweek, so fairly recent. But the big news is, these are the most recent pictures of myself with my most treasured posesion. Well, what used to be anyway. Take a look...

no it's not hidden up under my toque...

It is truly gone

It makes me sad to say it, but it was just time. We had it all me and the locks. Oh man did we have it all. The good times, the bad times, the times when those stray hairs would refuse to do anything but sit in a curly lump atop my cranium. But I shall miss thee, my lovely long companion of gold. 'Till we meet again, in some far off place.

Hey, I sould have made it into a wig...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Two things...

First thing, not so serious. Only this, please check back to this blog on Wednesday evening (pacific standard time) for what may be considered some exciteng news. That's all I can say.

Second thing, serious indeed. My friends, as some of you may know, I have been a leader with an organization called Young Life for a number of months now. YL is a christian organization dedicated to bringing the gospel to high school kids in a way that is real to them, using many volunteer leaders, as well as staff people, to love kids and to teach them about Jesus. Well, just over a week ago, a girl named Jessica, who had attended our club regularly, was involved in an accident and sent to the hospital in serious condition. She was in a coma and had suspected brain injuries. Her condition hadn't changed and after a while and it was decided that she would be taken off of the life support machines. Jessica passed away this last weekend. I ask all of you to take a minute to please pray for her family and friends, as they are dealing with the loss. She had heard the gospel from her friends, and seen it lived in one of her good friends lives, but her recent condition of faith is unknown to us. Thank you all , and God bless.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Howdy Doody... hehe, I said doody

Folk, how yoube? SO this is my screaming eagle cowboy hat (I added in the screaming eagle to make it awesome). I bought it at West Ed Mall for an exorbedent amount of money, but for a real cowboy hat it was quite well priced. Three times beaver blend, oh yes, nothing but the best for me. No, I don't know what a three times beaver blend means... So, now I feel like I should do something cowboyish to earn my stripes as it were, but I mean come on, i live in the Okanagan. So I'll just have to make up an awesome story.

Dang! Listerine is the shiz son. That stuff burns so good. It think the Listerine Advanced is stronger than the regular falvours because it hurts my whole face just about. Try doing the Listerine challenge; rinse for thirty seconds with listerine. Not as easy as one might think. It burns.

I had a bit of a dissapointment today with a music selection. i remembered hearing a certain song earlier and I tjhought I remembered it being really good. Well I recently aquired the CD with said song on it, but it turns out the song wasn't as good as I thought I had remembered. But then a silver lining on my grey cloud. Another song on the same album did tickle my fancy, and it's now pretty much my favourite song. Time & Confusion by Anberlin. Friggin' sweet my hommies.

Well, I think that be all for me this night. Longitude, Latitude, Later dude.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

I did it again!

Sweet Mary mother of Jesus. I did it again, and I don't know how. The Math exam that I thought I had done so bad on, I ended up getting 76%. Frigg. I thought I was done for it on that exam, and I don't know what's worse, doing bad, or not knowing how I did good. I got way above average. I don't want to brag, but I am amazing. Ok, I wanted to brag. But first physics, and now math? Now I just hope that the exams I think I did well on weren't the opposite case. Materials and Statics seemed pretty straight foreward. For my Statics exam I slept in and showed up over a half hour late. I wasn't too worried because I'm kicking ace in that class right now, and I feel it went pretty well, even though I didn't have enough time to completely finish the last question. I really only had like about forty five or fifty minutes, so if my mark is good on that one too, you're gonna be hearing some mad props to myself. But I'm not counting my mid-term marks before they hatch. Well, I'm staying true to form here, short postings. And I haven't said this in a while so, online public journal. Peace.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Don't take this the wrong way, but...

Bonned! I had my math mid-term today, and let me tell you, I got bent over. I thought I had prepared enough, especially for three dimensional vectors, but alas, I had not. At least we'll see if I did. I thought I knew what was up, but then I got there and I just froze up, couldn't remember anything. I was so bummed. There was a big six mark question on proving a formula, with no numbers or units, just a bunch of variables, and it screwed me up royally. I tried to BS my way to maybe two marks at most, but that's doubtful. I've learned that I need to study more for exams. Not sure if I said it already but after my physics exam I thougt I had done really poorly, but infact I found out the nest day that I nearly got an A. No such mirracles will occur this time though. Tomorrow I have my Materials Technology exam, which is a lot of theory, a couple calculations, and some atomic chemistry. I think I'll do ok, but I have to look over some stuff tonight still before diving into 'er. Well, it's a short one today too, but sometimes that's better. Peace.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


I just like that word. It's bitchin'. So, I had my first of about six mid-terms on Thursday. I thought I had totally blown it on a question worth 8 marks; I was sure I had gotten maybe two if I was lucky. I was pretty sure I bonned myself, but alas, all was ot lost. Our professor was on the ball and had our exams marked by today and we were able to pick up the results. Turned out I almost got an A, 83.something percent. I got 5 out of 8 on that one question, and only one mark off on the rest of the test. Bitchin'. I was really relieved to be going into the weekend without a bad exam hanging over my head.

Watching Jay Leno right now with the animal guy on. Right now he's got a nut busting parrot, a big blue one. He's got a really powerful beak to break open nut shells, and he'll live to one hundred years old. That's a lot of nut busting.

So I have a new hobby now. Electronics. More particularly, DC electronic circuits. I'm attempting to make an LED taillight for my motorbike. I think I've got all the calculations done right, bought all the stuff I think I'll need, resistors, circuit boards, wire, and the LED's are on the way. I really hope it works because I'm really into this whole thing right now, but it's also pretty expensive. I did pretty good wit this stuff when I was in high school physics, yeah I said wit.

Well I really don't have much more to talk about. School is still really busy. As I said before I have many more exams coming up over the next couple of weeks. I'm glad we gots the long weekend now, I'll be doing homework and studying for pretty well all of Saturday, if I can set myself to it that is. I've found it hard to get down to the grind lately.

Well, it's a short one this time. Peace out everybody.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Waiting on the World to Change

What up? Well, I'm officially in the thick of it now. Something like five or six school assignments this week, crazy face. I'm headed upto RockRidge this weekend for a YL Leader/Campaigner weekend so I had to get all my homework done before the weekend. Awesome part, now I don't have any assignments duefor another week, I'm done through next Thursday, except for one computers assignment which is due I think Monday, but I'll go finish that today before I leave.

... I just took myself to the gun show, and allow me to be modest for a moment, but I have awesome muscle definition. I may not be thick, but I'm lean and defined. Tell your lady friends.

So school is getting pretty busy. I imagine soon (when stuff stops being high school review and starts being new learning) the work is going to get really piled on. I decided today that I have to teach myself Materials Technology because our teacher just isn't a good teacher; some people just weren't meant to be teachers, like those with a language barrier. And now the weather is getting pretty cold, down to like 7 degrees in the morning, so it's pretty much to cold to ride the bike, which blows.

It was a pretty short riding season it seems, maybe cuz my bike was in the shop so much. But this weekend is supposed to be back up in the twenties, and I won't be here to ride at all. Though even if I was my bike is again in repair. Nothing vital, I pretty much decided to just take it apart and do a bunch of body work on it, like fill prime and paint all the fairings. Not a small undertaking. It was rainy for a week when I started, and I think I may have inadvertently ended my season early. Sucks. But at least she'll look like a beaut. Then you will all see pictures when I get it finished.

So, I think it's understood that John Mayer is a complete tool. But I don't like to hold someone's personality and humanism against them. Waiting on the World to Change is my new favourite song. It's just so enjoyable to me. Good solid beat and the chorus is a catchy tune. I like to crank it to eleven and do a little, snap the fingers with the arms over the head and shake the hips a little, dance while I listen. Yeah, i said it, I like to shake my bon bon.

I started reading the latest Harry Potter (for the second time) near the end of the summer. I think this might have been a mistake. Not because I don't like HP, quite the opposite. The thing is I am the kind of person who can't read two books at once, I like to finish a book and then I'm done. I don't like stretching the read out over a long period of time. My brother has been reading The Oath since grade Twelve I think. Yeah, I know... But anyway, this is my quandry. I'm in the midst of the The Half Blood Prince, but alas, here is my new material for bathroom perusal...

That's right, sorry Hermione Granger, my new love is Covelent compounds and atomic structure of crystal lattice. And a spiteful mistress she is. I actually plan on taking my text book with me this weekend because I actually need to get some real reading done on this thing.

Being a college student is something totally new to me, and while it's not a bad fit there are aspects that I may have overlooked. Like stingy-ness. I have come to realise that I will be, moreso than I actually am right now, really poor at the begining of next year. And for me to survive I am gonna have to be stingy beyond all reckonning. Which is difficult for me because as I posted on Drew's blog, I am prone to impulse purchases. That's a good way to decrease your money in a hurry. I really didn't want to borrow any money for my schooling, but there's no way I'll have enough money to pay for this semester and next semester without any working time in between. But after my winter/spring term I get the rest of next year to work, so if I am really stingy I may have enough money to pay for two terms of schooling, and if all is right in the world, buy myself another sweet set of wheels (something newer and bigger). If that happens I'll be absolutely insanely happy, and you won't get the smile off my face with anything short of a punch in the nards.

With that throw back to old school genitalia nick names, I gotta go pick up some bike parts. I'm outta hur. Peace.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I be learned

Well, I'm back at school, and everyone is always asking, "how's it to be back at school?" Well, it's aight.

Okay I'll expand on that a bit. I thought going back to college would be really brutal and I would feel out of place because I haven't been in academic institution in four years, and I was sure math would suck. Well, counter point, it hasn't gotten brutal yet, I don't feel out of place at all, I feel as if it was my time to come back, my time to shine. ANd I think math will always suck, in my opinion, but I'm also oddly stoked about it. I'm excited to get better at math, because I've already learned much of it once, now I'm learning it again and I can't do worse, and I want to get better, so I'm oddly stoked. But I still don't like it, I'm still not that good. All the physics type classes are cool, pretty much grade 11 and 12 again, nothing really new so far. I'm pretty sure I'll own Engineering Principles and Statics classes. Computer Applications is a joke right now, they have to start so low level because they don't know where people will come from, so he's like, "this is your my documents file", and I'm in the back of the class like coding my newest web site or something stupid. I'd have to say drafting class is probably where I'm learning the most right now, wait, back tot hat in a second. Materials Techno;ogy is where I'm learning the most. It's like sensory overload. I call it Migraine Technology. It's a new course to everyone at this level, so it's just like information overload after information overload. Working with graphs and stress and strain and yield stress and ultimate stress, and now I'm stressed. That's a crazy one. Back to drafting, second most learning class I have I guess. I've never taken any sort of drafting course before so it's all new too. Right now we're doing drafting by hand before we do auto CAD stuff. It's pretty interesting, but it just proves how stupid the Americans are to still use the imperial system, and not only that, but they tried to mix the two systems, by making this one that's inches and decimals. That's not how it works, just use freeking metric you boners. METRIC RULES!!!

Now, lately I've been spending some good time updating this mother, but I haven't gotten the same courtesy from you people. All you gotta do is leave a few words in the comments, it's not that hard. I feel like no one reads this thing, and you should read it because it freeking rules. So just leave me some comment or something, it doesn't have to be deep and meaningful, just a little, "sweet dude, good to hear. (enter some small reference to said post here)." that's it, like 12 seconds if you are the slowest typer in the world.

Anyway, I gotta bounce yo. More expensive ass text books to buy. this one is gonna run me 130 bling notes. Me + a chair / being bent over = college. Good times. Later.

PS: if you find my other blog please do not post anything on it as it is for one of my school classes. Thanks.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Moment of Silence

As you read this I would ask that you please observe a moment of silence for one of my childhood heroes. Yesterday while filming a nature documentary on the Great Barier Reef, the great Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, was in through the heart by the stinger of a sting wray. He died on the scene. Steve Irwin was a fearless Australian who awed many, including myself, with his feats of animal interaction and many animal rescues. I remember I did a high school public seaking project on the great Crocodile Hunter. He was an increadible TV personality and animal activist. He was pretty much just awesome, and for a couple of years in my younger age he was one of my heroes. So, raise your glasses, to the late great Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. May the wolrd be a more animal friendly place because of him.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

RRC 2006 Pics

RRC 2006 Pics

RRC 2006 Pics

Beware the NARDWAR!

Check it out, I jus got back from RockRidge Canyon today (Sunday) and BEWARE THE NARDWAR! Also known as Norwalk, the deadly virus known to destroy the hopes and dreams of many seniors on cruise ships. The infestation infested the camp this summer, and we lost many a good men to the bowl, the toilet bowl that is. They had it all over the place out of both ends. It's not a pretty sight. BUt dang, other than the Nardwar, an absolutely amazing week, and I pitty anyone who didn't go. I have been to the same type of Young Life camp in my high school days, but at a different venue. I was completely partial to Malibu before this week, and I still stand by the fact that Malibu has atmosphere all over any other place on earth, but I've let go of many of my other prejudices. When I went as a camper myself, I really hadn't "come out of my shell" as it were. This week I went as a leader in a cabin of eleven guys and one other leader. It was the time of my life. RockRidge is an amazing place, filled with insane summer fun, and loads of nine square. Pool parties, disco dances, upper class dining, wake boarding, and all the other stuff I already explained come to think of it, but this time I've done it now. It was awesome being there with the high school guys and being able to have pant loads of fun with them and help lead them towards a relationship with Jesus. Cabin life was crazy (and really smelly, like the insides of some nameless horror), with sweet beats like sexyback... take it to tha bridge. Awesome clubs, giant flower fights, shaving cream and water balloon fights, slap the chicken (honest, it's not sexual), and so much more. I got soul but I'm not a soldier. Getting to know a bunch of the really cool guys in my cabin and spending time with them, playing nine square, wake boarding, and doing a lot of stuff unnecessairily shirtless come to think of it. But hey, it's summer camp. I'll throw up a bunch more pictures of the week in a separate post for y'all, and you can have a little peek at the awesomeness that is RockRidge. I know many of my listeners are also in aquaintance with one Liz Becker, whom was also in attendance at the summer camp as one of the three program directors, and did an awesome job I must say. Also really good to get to see her again. All together it was as promised. The best week of my summer. I'm planning to goto RockRidge as a summer staff for three weeks next year, as well as hopefully going as a leader again. So, check out these pictures that are here too. Peace alls.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

RRC 2006

Going to Rock Ridge doods.

most of my boys effed out on me, but I ain't knocked down... Actualy I was totally bummed, but oh well, whatcha gonna do. Hopefully it's still a bitchin' good time. oh wait...

I almost forgot the obligatory iSight picture. This is me as I post this baby.
So, first of all, everyone on earth should go to and do the Samuel L Jackson phone call (I even used my HTML coding prowess to make it easy for you there). It freeking rocks, and if you send it to me I'll give you a high five.
Second. I totally put four episode of Scrubs (the best show ever on TV) onto my new iPod video, and it rocks my socks. It's the coolest, watching scrubs... anywhere. I bet you all could do that. It is to be coveted (don't worry I won't tell God).
Third. Anyone who uses iChat or Skype should ad me to their contacts list. My AIM screen name is spiderkyle84 as is my skype name. So hit me up, including you Drew, cuz I think your iChat name isn't drewfasa, unless you have a .mac account. Anyway, skype me. I'm totally stoked on free long distance video chatting.
Here are 2more RRC pictures...

Ropes course, Tower of Terror "aka the screamer", second longest zip line in north america, water sports, mountain biking, big pool, it's all very, very bitchin'.
So, I didn't really have much to post about his time here, I jst thought I'd give you the low down. Oh, I just bought a new motorbike helmet after my second one fell off my bike on the highway at 80 clicks, so it was in rough shape, or dead, and I also bought a new jacket, a mesh one for the freeking hot weather which will more than likely end the second I pull it out of the box. Just my luck. BUt it was cheap so it can sit all winter and it'll still be worth it. Pretty stoked on this new helmet, since mine is already scratched from bailing on the way to Big White last year. Sucky. Now I get a brand new one to mark up. Still gotta paint my bike, that'll probably just happen this winter, even though I've had the paint for a while already. I hope paint doesn't go bad... you know, grow mould and watnot. Anywho, that's all, I should go to bed now. PEace alls.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Check it out alls. I'm back on the posting, with a new machine. I got me anew MacBook w/built in iSight camera...
SO I can take sweet pictures of me at the exact time that I lay down this phat post (yes the macbook has turned me black). So you will be seeing a few pictures a la iSight this episode. Since my last post I have been riding like abanshee... because it's hot as hell here... oh, that's a good one. seriously though, we're talking forty degrees for a couple of days. dang it. not fun in the construction industry. But I didn't burn at all, so that's a plus. So, riding has been pretty good, I've got back the adrenaline that I lost when the bike was off line.
Not sure if I posted about it yet but I got my second tattoo over a month ago now, and now I have pictures (a la iSight). It looks pretty good if you ask me, and now you don't have to ask cuz I just told you. I do need to go back for some touch ups though, as it was very involved and some colours didn't get enough attention (which was fine by me cuz it hurt like a firey oblivion for over an hour). So anyways, here's some pictures, yes the second one is a pose, but, you know me, can't resist... It's also backwards thanks to the iSight, it's really on my left arm.

There she be, the Mexican coat of arms. If you look back a few posts, or months or long period of time... I posted what I was p[lanning to get, I just removed the words from previous design, so that I could get it bigger and better detail. I may still add something later. But that's it for now.
I totally cleaned my room the other day so that I could set up a macbook work station in here, and I'm pretty proud cuz it looks almost as good as it has since we moved in, and I have a place to use my computer. I can plug my speakers in my room into the computer for my sweet iTunes library, and our wireless network is awesome at something like an amped up two kilometer radius or something sick like that. Saweet. I got an iPod with my computer too, because of a student discount thing i got it for only fifty bucks, for the 30 gig video, so that was really the hook line and sinker for me, even though I may regret not buying a cheeper computer in the future. But also I am going to use the computer to make Melissa White's (now Melissa Hallman) wedding video, cuz she just got married and I'm stoked to giver that a try. I saw good ol' Ashley Star Bates (two R's?) at said wedding (now engaged to be married herself, shout out). Good times.
As far as I know this would be a section for Drew mostly. Halo 3 release has been set sometime next July I belive, and I jsut got a disc with the HD trailer on it, and a magazine with all this crazy analysis about it and stuff, I watched it on the big screen in surround sound, cranked to 11. It was spectacular. I'm stoked, but it's still a long time to wait, but i'm so jacked about it. Definately gonna buy it as soon as it comes out, and Drew you should make a special trip over the pond and play some co-op with me. that offer stands for anyone who is a gamer too by the way. I get lonely sometimes...
I head off to Rock Ridge Canyon, a Young Life camp (props Lief and Liz) near Princeton BC, in a couple weeks, just before going back to school. i've been a young life leader since about march, and it's this crazy extravagant camp where we take all these high school kids to teach them about Jesus. I'm pretty excited about that, ought to be fun. I've never been a camp leader before, but luckily I'm not alone, i've got the big dawg with me, our regional director Grant. So I'm in good hands. Then after camp I actually have to go back to work for a little bit before going to school, hopefully it won't even be a full week. School is going to be crazy busy, word has it it's like 50 hours of work a week, school and homework together, so I hope it's interesting and fun so that I'm motivated, cuz it's going to be gnuts.
So last of all, Drew or Heather, or anyone with a macbook for that matter, we ought to iChat it up. I'm all set up with my AIM account now, so I'm pumped for some video conferencing.
Well, that's all for now doods, peace out.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Back in the saddle

Well, it's been a while again, but I have some heavy motivation to post right now... I was bored again tonight (I know, big shocker) and so even though it's a school night (or work whatever) I decided to do something. As a little back story, I have had my bike into the shop twice in recent history for porblematic problems, but it still didn't work right. So I had done some research on the problem lately and found a little bit of help but still wasn't motivated to try fix the problem myself. But tonight for some reason I decided I would do it. So I found out that last time I had the bike into the shop the stupid dood who worked on it pinched my fuel line, and nearly wrecked the airbox boots that attach to the carbs, because he didn't attach themn correctly. So, I remedied those teo problems fairly easily, but was sceptical as to whether or not that would fix the problem since I'd had it working and then stop before. So after a few nervous laps past our house I dared to go to the gas station to top up the fuel. Everything seemed to be running properly so I went out for a real ride around town. Picked up a friend and gave 'er a little two-up, and the green machine was spectacular. I am so releaved and surprised that it was such a simple fix, it's so good to be back on the bike again, not to mention have my own vehicle again, since I still have no car. I also recently bought a new apple lap top for school and an iPod to boot, so I'll have tunes soon too. After a crappy few couple of days it's finally been some long awaited good vibes, and I'm really in a pretty good mood. I can't wait to get out this weekend and really give 'er on the bike, being able to ride it when I go out is way nicer when I'm not worried about if it will get me home or not. Anywho, that's my news yo's, peace.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Three in One

So, I've got three main topics for mypost today, I know it's been a while but you'll soon understand why. But first off, I thought no one was posting on my blog and I hated you all, but then it was brought to my attention that my comment moderation was enabled or something, so, that's my bad alls, now you can hate me, but not for long and you'll hear why soon.

OK, first and biggest item on the list. This has to do with my last post "Yayden", and it's name is now "Booden" Boo + Jayden. So I was on my way to Edmonton on Thursday morning to see my friend Jayden, and I was very excited as mentioned in my last post. Now I must confess I had also thoughtabout crashing the Charon wedding, because that's the kind of guy I am. But alas, it never got that far. I was just outsideof Golden, BC on my way to Edmonton at around noon. I was on the trans canada highway and traffic was bunched up because of construction. Traffic stopped suddenly because someone ahead was turning off the highway to visit the wolf museum, that's right wolf museum, and I had to stop just short of the vehicle in front of me. The truck two spots back from me did not manage this same feat. He was pulling a fifth wheel trailer and his momentum carried him through 2 cars, one being mine, and past one or two more in front of me. All told there were 4 vehicles involved, and I made contact with all three others, but it was totally not my fault. So, my car was totalled and I was taken to hospital in an ambulance which was neat, because I had a cut on my head, it was mostly for precautionary reasons. Now on top of it all ICBC doesn't wANT TO GIVE ME MY JUST OOPS, my just dues for the value of my car. So I'm still in the midst of getting my money from ICBC and it's so fun.

Item number two, I think this was going to be a good post originally, but alas no more. So, I don't have a car anymore, and my bike wasn't working well at all, so I took it to the shop and got it fixed and it was all running well and good... for about a day, then it stopped working again for a whole new reason, so back into the shop. Now I'm going to have to pay even more money to get it working again. So this is now a bad post. Hopefully it's only a small easy and cheap problem to fix. Once I get back on my ride I'll feel better.

Now honestly I can't remember what the third thing was, but maybe it'll come to me later. So, that's how brutal my month was, and how things are going for me still. I still didn't get to see Jayden... Anywho, if any of you could maybe take some time to pray for this stuff so that I can get the money that I deserve and this can be over with quickly. That would be very appreciated. Thanks all. Talk to you later.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

YAYDEN! it's like Yay + Jayden

So, four days until I leave for EDMONTON, TO A WEDDING, ARGH damn caps lock. sorry y'all... leave for Edmonton, to a wedding I'm not supposed to go to. Anyone know any good things to do in Edmonton? Hey,I should call Jayden, who is the real reason I'm going to Edmonton, my long lost love. So, Jayden we should probably talk before we both leave, to get things in order and what not. So anyway, I'm going to Edmonton for about three days or so, gonna hook all up with the good old Capes peeps. I get to see Jayden again, it's been three years, far too long. Denis and Denise (I know, far too similar) are the ones getting married,so hopefully see them too even though I ain't going to the wedding. So, I thought about riding my bike to Edmonton, but then on my last trip I realized that would suck because I would be in so much pain. So I'll drive my car, and maybe sleep in it, I'm cool with that. So, I don't have much else to say now, maybe something will come up later, and I imagine I'll probably post again after I get back. Peace yo's.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Sweet Mary Mother of Jesus...

It's been a long time since I posted anything... I know, I probably deserve a kick in the pants for not posting in nearly two months, but I really didn't think I had anything news worthy. Anywho here goes. So I just got home from the Young Life National Coference (a.k.a. May Long) at Rock Ridge Canyon, the new YL camp near Princeton BC. It was a pretty good time to be had by all, except for me on the way home, but more on that later. First of all, this weekend made me more aware of where and what Young Life is in Canada, who the top dogs are, and really just what the dealio is. There was summat like three hundred people there, seemed small in the gigantor dinning hall at the camp. Saw some old friends, Liefy J, Liz-Bec, and met some new ones, like NFP, and Nathan my Zip partner. We went on North America's second longest zip line together, I spun backwards, that sucked. But none the less it was awesome, we ran and jumped off the top platform, weeeeeeee! There were some pretty good seminars too, learned some really good tid-bits about working with campaigners and club and what have you.

So, since the weather had been pretty nice lately, and I had recently gotten my ride back on the road, i decided it would be nice to take a road trip on two wheels to Princeton. THe ride there wasn't bad, other than I was a bit cold from sweating at the begining of the trip (traffic getting out of Kelowna was some of the worst I've seen) then the wind on the connector got to my wet underclothes and chilled me slightly. Now that's buddah compared to the ride back. It started pouring this morning before everyone left, wet bike, suck much. Then I had a feeling getting 'er started would be oh so much fun because it doesn't start so good in the cold, and true to form, it didn't. My battery also is mostly garbage so It doesn't hold a very deep charge. I ended up having to pop the clutch rolling it down a hill, and after a dozen or so tries it finally sprang to life for me. There in lies the beginning of my hearalding journey homeward, because after I turned onto the connector from Hwy 5, it was rain almost the whole way to Kelowna. Wet, cold, shivering so that I had to squeeze the gas tank with my legs to keep still. Then I would lean down and put my hands on the engine to warm them up, a rather smart idea I think, and it worked. Mother nature three, Kyle one. The weather finally cleared up just before the the end of the connector, and it got significantly warmer too. All in all, my shoulders hurt, and I was really really cold. But I guess I'm not much worse for wear. So, there you have it folks, My first real post of the quarter. Well, I'm off to take my eyes out, because they are starting to get bothersome. Peace.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

What a day...

So, today started off like any regular day, woke up a around ten, half hour after my alarm went off, couldn't really be bothered by making anything for breakfast, so I got up and went out to purchase some supplies to work on my bike. So as I am driving on the highway, more spicifically turning left off of it towards Rona, the how to people, as per usual some genious ran a red light turning left onto the highway and ran himself nicely into the car to my right which was portruding nicely out into the intersection. It's all good, untill that car procedes to then smash into the passenger side door of my car. Friggin' brilliant. All vehicles involved were still in working order and the red light runner, as he shall hence forth be known, pulled on through the intersection, past the gas station, down the road, and, yes he's making a run for it. So I'm gonna have no part of that and I begin to give chase (after quickly giving my phone number to the lady in the first car that got hit). Now, I'm pretty sure that the red light runner didn't see the ensuing damage done to my vehicle because I was able to follow him for about ten minutes until he stopped at what I believe to be his home, where he quickly ran inside. Now, you probably all remember my last encounter with the RCMP as a sour one, but in this case there wasn't much I could do but call them, as I didn't fancy kicking down this dude's door. So, I parked a couple houses down from the red light runner's house, and waited for about ten minutes until the cops came and I watched them take his sorry ass away. But it get's better, as who is one of the officers who came to my aid, none other than our good friend, lady cop. Oh yes, the same one that gave me the phony ticket only three weeks ago. Now, I don't know if she recognised me, or if she really is just a horrible person, but I said that I was involved in the accident and followed the red light runner to this house and proceded to call the police. She then took it upon herslef to give me a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident. Bloody freeking amazing. By this time I'm absolutely blown away, and aside from a rather splendid arangement of curses whilst driving home, I didn't even know what to think. I arrived home to the sounds of birds chirping, water streaming, and someone screaming (oh wait that's me). So all in all a good day thus far. By now I'm really hungry, so I eat some frosted flakes. It took a moment, but I then realise that I never even got to Rona to get the things I needed to work on my bike. Brilliant. Since there's no way I am venturing out into the city again, I sit myself down at my one refuge, Xbox 360. Gamed it up for a little while, and I was on Xbox live playing some Halo 2, adn this dude that I'm playing with sends me this message and tells me that he's the secret Microsoft gamer (they have these every now and again and you get prizes for finding them in a game. So, dude gives me this claim number and says to go onto and enter in this form thing to see what I won. So I'm stoked, a bad day getting better. So, I went online and checked it out, and sweetness, I won a LCD TV worth like 1800 buck. SWEET! And I'm sorry I can't do this anymore, so APRIL FOOLS! The caps means I'm yelling it. Wow that was fun. None of that actually happened, really I was bored all day. peace.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

BIG prayer request...

So, to start off, you could pray for this situation either of two ways, and I'll leave that up to you. Being that it is now spring time, I took a glance through the sport bike classifieds, probably a mistake, and now I'm really wanting to use my school money to buy a new motorbike. There are some really quite good deals out there, and I really really REALLY want a new ride. I do enjoy my bike, but it definately needs some work, since I'm taking it streetfighter, and I want another bike to ride while I tear mine apart. So here I am, I don't really need to go to college, I'm not even really sure I want to be an engineer, but I do know I want to ride sweet motorbikes for the rest of my life. This is my new weak spot... Anywho, following up from the begining you could either pray that I some how get enough money to go to school and buy a new bike (this is the option I'll most likely be praying for), or you can pray that I will be able to sit on my hands and save the money I do have for college (so much less adventurous really). The choice is yours... Just don't make the wrong choice. P.S. Anyone who aids the first option in comming to fruition will be privy to free rides at regular intervals. PEacE.

Friday, March 24, 2006


So, I'm really bored right now, and what's even sadder? It's my birthday, at quarter to eight. I am a pimp. Anyway, thought I'd giver a little update. I went to the tattoo shop to give the dood the low down so he's playing with the design now and I'll see where he ends up, then we'll go from there. So I guess I'm officially 22 now. DOn't you hate when people ask you if you feel older on your birthday? Of course I don't feel any older, I was 21 only hours ago, and I'm pretty sure you can't feel hours older. So my favourite NCAA team is out of the tournament which is a bummer because they were supposed to go all the way. It's Duke by the way, but then frankly I wouldn't be surprised if nobody knew what I was talking about... So (I seem to be starting an awefull lot of sentences with "so") I had a "meeting" with Grant today and I guess I'm unofficially a Young Life leader now. I'm really just hanging out and showing up to everything for a "trial run" sort of thing, but I imagine I'll be fully involved before long. Here's some more news, probably completely uninteresting but oh well, I'm likely going to buy me some spanky riding boots with my birthday money. It's the only piece of riding gear I don't have as of yet, and I have really no other foot wear that is any good to fill the position. So I'm pretty stoked about that. Oh yeah, motorcycle riding by the way, no equestrian for this fella. I think I had something else to say to but I appear to have a bad memory... So that's all for now. Oh Jayden I think you tried to call me tonight, but my mom was on the phone, but if you didn't you probably should have cuz it's my birthday and it's been ages since we talked. But the box will soon be headed back to Ontario, first time this year and from this house, so that's good. Well, later all. I'm really old now.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Idea for new tattoo

So, this is what I've come up with for an idea for a new tattoo that will signify my connection to Mexico and the Amor missions trip. So, in the middle is the Mexican coat of arms, the words are rather self-explanatory, and there's a cross for every time that I've been to Mexico. Then I can add another cross for each additional time I go. So this is the general idea, it looks a little rigid right now, I'd let the tattoo artist smooth it out and sweeten it up a bit. Feedback yos.

Oh yeah, it's gonna go on my left forearm.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Uno Mas

So, here's a second set of Mexico pictures, these are more of the people in my van. Yeah, it was mine.

Mexico pictures

So, here are the real pictures... It only lets me do 5 at a time so maybe I'll use 2 posts. See the story below.

Los Conquistadores

Well, you may all be wondering, probably not but whatever, why I haven't updated in like two weeks. Well it's simple mis amigos. I was back in el Mexico. Yes after a four absense I returned to my second homeland. Trip number ten was one to remember, maybe for all the wrong reasons... No, it was awesome times. So for anyone who doesn't know, every spring break between 1993 and 2002 I went to mexico on a missions trip to build houses for the destitute people in and around the Tijuana area. The poverty level in Tijuana is so overwhelming it's pretty well impossible to know where to start. But some 20 years ago someone did start, and a group called Amor has been running these trips ever since and have built thousands of such houses, schools, churches, and medical buildings. Thirteen years ago when I first went on this missions trip the poverty was even worse than it is today, which is even harder to imagine. This was the first year that this fact really came to my attention, and it's a very powerful thing to know that you have been a part of changing not only one person's life, or a family's life, but bringing change to a whole people and nation. I don't say any of this as if boasting, but only to share that it is an amazing feeling to be used by God for His will. Without a doubt this is something that I will do for the rest of my able life, as long as it is in God's will, no matter what my circumstances. I learned some stuff about myself, and some stuff about Jesus and missions through the talks, and it was altogether my most memorable trip, granted also the most recent. But I will not forget any of it as I have been prompted to tattoo myself again, this time with something that will always remind me of what I have been able to be a part of in Mexico. No matter who you are if you are reading this story you need to go to Mexico on this missions trip, it will change your life. And now here are some pictures for you all to peruse.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Gendarmerie... thanks a pant load

Be forewarned that this is going to be as big a rant as I have ever ranted.

I hate female police officers. I'm sorry if any one takes any offence to this statement, but all woman police officers that I have had contact with have been giant jerk-o's (part of a well ballanced breakfast) including what happened to me this afternoon. So, to first understand this you must know that this morning I was driving to church when at the bottom of a large hill there was a substantial bump in the road which wreaked havok on my already ailed mufler, ripping it savagely from my underbody and throwing it who knows where. So all of a sudden my little four cylinder Honda engine sounded like a pink nightmare. Skip ahead to around 2 in the after-noon same day. My friends and I were attempting to throw our parachute men off the top of the parkade, however, echoing up to the top of the parkade in my new screaming banshee of a car allerted everyone within a one mile radius to my presence. We were shortly joined by none other than, you guessed it, a female RCMP officer who apparently had something to prove. I explained to her that the noise was due to the fact that my mufler fell off just this morning, she would have no part of believing that truth, and she was pretty sure that I had done it all on purpose. I also presently have no passenger seat in the front of my car, no big deal; wrong, a very big deal apparently, as she tells me I've apparently broken the law with that one too. B.S. as I later found out that the Motor Vehicle Act says nothing about a mandatory passenger seat (I did my homework), so I guess she just likes talking shite. She also noticed that my tires are verily bald as racing slicks, her only correct perception all day I'm sure. After this for some reason she decides that my vehicle is now stolen, and she continues to check and recheck the VIN plates, my story of buying the car, and the contents of said car. At this point I'm just like, this is rediculous already. Then she insinuates that I've tampered with the VIN plates, and I've had about enough. It's not until I show her the transfer of ownership papers that she actually believed anything I was saying, and she proceeded to return to her warm running car, to chat it up with the security guard as I freeze my tukus off in the cold. In the end she gives me a ticket for what she said was the tires, the passenger seat, and the mufler (one out of three lady, just a great piece of work). But she generously lowers the fee to the lowest possible, I'm sure because she knows herself that she's full of it. And after nearly acusing me of stealing my own car, and actually acusing me of breaking at least one made up law, she was ever so cordial in departing, as I wanted to slap the smirk off her face. Here's a kicker for you, not thirty feet away there were two kids who we were pretty sure were getting high in their mom's Explorer. Again, just a "Grade A" piece of work there detective. Just when you think you're starting to regain some hope in humanity, they pull through for you once again; fear not, for people are still morons.

Motivation... Not just a sum 41 song

So I guess most people are motivated to work, meaning they are motivated by something to do their work. I'm special, I don't need motivation by anything other than work itself. "Well that's brilliant Kyle, please go on." Well, I'm motivated by work. I am motivated by work, to avoid it and/or get around it easier, at pretty well all costs. Because I mean really, why would you want to work? I don't want to work at all, but I do it cuz I need money to live; and making money (ie. working) cuts deeply into my living time. It's a vicious circle; not unlike this online public journal of mine. I write boring stuff so only the same handful of people ever reply (my man Drew), and nobody replies so I try to write more interesting stuff, which turns out to be more boring drivel. I guess I'm just not motivated to be that interesting... Einh, you see how I brought that around there. Back to the motivation thing eh? Yeah, think about it.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Fatty Tatty

Well, only two people know anything about this as of now. I've been keeping it secret because it's funner that way. But check it out, I got inked. Last Thursday I got a tattoo. "What is this?" you say. That's right. As seen in the pictures below it's a sweet-ass tribal cross, with the horizontal piece formed by the greek word DIKAIVW in old english script, which means vindicated. It pretty blatently shows what I believe (other than the greek part) but I think it rules. It's on the back of my right shoulder, so no shoulder pats for a week or two. I've been hiding it so that I can surprise people with it when it's all healed, instead of all peeling and looking like it's falling off. Well that's my sweet news. And also, I'm going back to Mexico this spring break for my tenth and final Mexico Missions Trip. It'll be sweet to go back (it's been four years) and sport the new tatty on the beach in California too. Just before i leave here's a little plug; if anyone is going to get a tattoo I suggest CNB in Kelowna. He designed my cross (with my input) and it turned out stylin' and profillin'. So throw down at CNB cuz they rule, like my new tattoo. Peace yos.