Sunday, December 17, 2006

Git 'er Done!

Two more exams my peops. Man, I can't wait for school to be over, it feels like a really short weekend every day almost. it's like it's not busy but it's never done. Well, on Tuesday at noon, les jeux s'est fait, translation, the game is up, your ass is mine. Anyone, anyone, anyone at all...? I'll be giving you more after exams. Peace.

Welcome home Allison.


Kyle Turner said...

it's throw Anna, THROW. And you don't even speak french.

Candice said...

Yay for almost being done! I've got one more to go this's going to kill me. However, I have succumbed to multiple distractions in lieu of studying...such as dancing to cuban music by myself in my livingroom. Hope your exams all went well!