Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why I hate everything...

Now, I know my speculations haven't always been acurate in the past, like how I always think I dod bad on exams and end up fairing quite well. Well this time there's no way I'm wrong, though I hope I am. I had my Strength of Materials mid-term this morning, and it was heartbreaking. I have been doing so well in this class all year long, and I'm now dreading that I didn't even pass the exam. After leaving the test I was so bummed that I didn't ever want to go back to school. I was so down for the rest of the day I couldn't even concentrate in any of my classes, and some of the time I just played iPod solitaire. I tried doing homework when I got home from school, and I just felt dumb, no confidence. So, now I'm all negative feeling and wondering whether or not I even want to be in engineering. I don't think I've been this bummed in a long time. Luckily I have only got a half day of class tomorrow, and then I have the rest of the day to try motivate myself to finish my pant load of assignments. so, that's my update for now, I'm feeling pretty shite. Peace.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The time draws near...

Well, this week was my reading break, like many of my friends, and what a week. I think I was almost as busy as when I have school. I was able to finally be a decent Young Life Leader by hanging out at the school a few times over the week, I almost tried to get into the Rutland grad picture too, but then refrained, I did get in trouble from some teacher though... oops. I also spent most of my time this week painting my bike. It was an emotional rollercoaster of, emotion. I got so angry sometimes when stuff just wasn't going the way I wanted it to. In the end, however, I figure it all turned out ok. The bike is essentially the same colour as it was originally, but it's a bit darker. I really like the colour personally, which is really all that matters. Check it out.

this is my paint booth extraordinaire, really, it's the reason why sometimes the process wasn't going too well. Yes, the first one is sideways, but that's why you have a neck.

That second picture is all foggy looking from the paint fumes that result from spraying. Pretty much everything in the little booth was covered in green by the end of it all, including a small patch of floor that wasn't covered by drop sheets, which I am hoping I can clean off without getting yelled at. Well, that's my big news for now. Peace out hommies.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

No Thank You Sir!

Does any body else totally hate this new blogger thing? Well, I guess I don't totally hate it, but I think it's stupid. Now I have one more account that I never wanted at google, and as far as I'm concerned everything else is still the same, except I'll probably get even more junk mail now. This really grinds my gears, I never heard anyone complaining about the old blogger, so why change it if it ain't broke.

I'm broke.

Well, This week is nucking futs. That's right, I said it, kinda... Well, four out of five days this week I have mid-term exams. My only hope of getting through the rest of the week is looking foreward with anticipation to reading, or video gaming week. And also, it's getting warmer, and dryer, and you know what that means. The green monster will soon be back on the road. But never soon enough. Unless it happened to get really warm and I started riding tomorrow, that'd be soon enough. But other wise, not soon enough, and that's not likely. You can really never imagine unless you've ridden before, but I keep getting these urges to ride while I'm driving, and it's making me crazy. Oh it's gonna be a good summer, back on the bike, getting a new job, making some new money, Harry Potter explosion of madness, and finish it all off with RRC at the end of the summer. It's gonna be freeking sweet!

Well, that's all. Peace out.