Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Three in One

So, I've got three main topics for mypost today, I know it's been a while but you'll soon understand why. But first off, I thought no one was posting on my blog and I hated you all, but then it was brought to my attention that my comment moderation was enabled or something, so, that's my bad alls, now you can hate me, but not for long and you'll hear why soon.

OK, first and biggest item on the list. This has to do with my last post "Yayden", and it's name is now "Booden" Boo + Jayden. So I was on my way to Edmonton on Thursday morning to see my friend Jayden, and I was very excited as mentioned in my last post. Now I must confess I had also thoughtabout crashing the Charon wedding, because that's the kind of guy I am. But alas, it never got that far. I was just outsideof Golden, BC on my way to Edmonton at around noon. I was on the trans canada highway and traffic was bunched up because of construction. Traffic stopped suddenly because someone ahead was turning off the highway to visit the wolf museum, that's right wolf museum, and I had to stop just short of the vehicle in front of me. The truck two spots back from me did not manage this same feat. He was pulling a fifth wheel trailer and his momentum carried him through 2 cars, one being mine, and past one or two more in front of me. All told there were 4 vehicles involved, and I made contact with all three others, but it was totally not my fault. So, my car was totalled and I was taken to hospital in an ambulance which was neat, because I had a cut on my head, it was mostly for precautionary reasons. Now on top of it all ICBC doesn't wANT TO GIVE ME MY JUST OOPS, my just dues for the value of my car. So I'm still in the midst of getting my money from ICBC and it's so fun.

Item number two, I think this was going to be a good post originally, but alas no more. So, I don't have a car anymore, and my bike wasn't working well at all, so I took it to the shop and got it fixed and it was all running well and good... for about a day, then it stopped working again for a whole new reason, so back into the shop. Now I'm going to have to pay even more money to get it working again. So this is now a bad post. Hopefully it's only a small easy and cheap problem to fix. Once I get back on my ride I'll feel better.

Now honestly I can't remember what the third thing was, but maybe it'll come to me later. So, that's how brutal my month was, and how things are going for me still. I still didn't get to see Jayden... Anywho, if any of you could maybe take some time to pray for this stuff so that I can get the money that I deserve and this can be over with quickly. That would be very appreciated. Thanks all. Talk to you later.


Drewfasa said...

yay dude, finally you can see my posts! I thought maybe you were hoarding all your comments or something or were worried someone might use bad words.

That sucks that you got smoked on the highway, good thing you weren't on your bike or you might have been taken away in a body back and not a stretcher :-0

Nice to see you back in the 'online journal' world!

Drewfasa said...

Oops, that should read 'body bag', not body back :)

Anonymous said...

Hey I am Gimpy's Australian Friend!
Dale Begg Smith Rocks!

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.