Friday, October 13, 2006

I did it again!

Sweet Mary mother of Jesus. I did it again, and I don't know how. The Math exam that I thought I had done so bad on, I ended up getting 76%. Frigg. I thought I was done for it on that exam, and I don't know what's worse, doing bad, or not knowing how I did good. I got way above average. I don't want to brag, but I am amazing. Ok, I wanted to brag. But first physics, and now math? Now I just hope that the exams I think I did well on weren't the opposite case. Materials and Statics seemed pretty straight foreward. For my Statics exam I slept in and showed up over a half hour late. I wasn't too worried because I'm kicking ace in that class right now, and I feel it went pretty well, even though I didn't have enough time to completely finish the last question. I really only had like about forty five or fifty minutes, so if my mark is good on that one too, you're gonna be hearing some mad props to myself. But I'm not counting my mid-term marks before they hatch. Well, I'm staying true to form here, short postings. And I haven't said this in a while so, online public journal. Peace.

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