Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A week late, a hair short..er

I know I know, it's a week late as per the last post, but a series of unfortunate events, known as life, happened to occur. Anyways, here we go...

and that is the front of my head, confusing thought that may be...

And that is one of me faves.

So, what's the deal you might say. Well, the deal is this. These photographs above were taken on Tuesday night of yesterweek, so fairly recent. But the big news is, these are the most recent pictures of myself with my most treasured posesion. Well, what used to be anyway. Take a look...

no it's not hidden up under my toque...

It is truly gone

It makes me sad to say it, but it was just time. We had it all me and the locks. Oh man did we have it all. The good times, the bad times, the times when those stray hairs would refuse to do anything but sit in a curly lump atop my cranium. But I shall miss thee, my lovely long companion of gold. 'Till we meet again, in some far off place.

Hey, I sould have made it into a wig...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Two things...

First thing, not so serious. Only this, please check back to this blog on Wednesday evening (pacific standard time) for what may be considered some exciteng news. That's all I can say.

Second thing, serious indeed. My friends, as some of you may know, I have been a leader with an organization called Young Life for a number of months now. YL is a christian organization dedicated to bringing the gospel to high school kids in a way that is real to them, using many volunteer leaders, as well as staff people, to love kids and to teach them about Jesus. Well, just over a week ago, a girl named Jessica, who had attended our club regularly, was involved in an accident and sent to the hospital in serious condition. She was in a coma and had suspected brain injuries. Her condition hadn't changed and after a while and it was decided that she would be taken off of the life support machines. Jessica passed away this last weekend. I ask all of you to take a minute to please pray for her family and friends, as they are dealing with the loss. She had heard the gospel from her friends, and seen it lived in one of her good friends lives, but her recent condition of faith is unknown to us. Thank you all , and God bless.