Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Don't take this the wrong way, but...

Bonned! I had my math mid-term today, and let me tell you, I got bent over. I thought I had prepared enough, especially for three dimensional vectors, but alas, I had not. At least we'll see if I did. I thought I knew what was up, but then I got there and I just froze up, couldn't remember anything. I was so bummed. There was a big six mark question on proving a formula, with no numbers or units, just a bunch of variables, and it screwed me up royally. I tried to BS my way to maybe two marks at most, but that's doubtful. I've learned that I need to study more for exams. Not sure if I said it already but after my physics exam I thougt I had done really poorly, but infact I found out the nest day that I nearly got an A. No such mirracles will occur this time though. Tomorrow I have my Materials Technology exam, which is a lot of theory, a couple calculations, and some atomic chemistry. I think I'll do ok, but I have to look over some stuff tonight still before diving into 'er. Well, it's a short one today too, but sometimes that's better. Peace.

1 comment:

Jennylynn said...

Boned should only have one n. in fact is two words. next not nest. miracles only has one r. good luck with those exams.