Saturday, February 18, 2006

Family, love to hate 'em

Well, just had a bit of a row with me dad. Man I hate living at home, but I hate paying rent even more. Apparently I don't "get it", and I'm suppoesed to ask if I can do something involving my own things and my business. No influence on my parents at all. I think he doesn't get it; I mean I'm the borderline genius (according to one of those off the cuff internet IQ tests anyway) not him. I tell you, living at home gives me no joy, but it'll be worth it when I go back to school. Can't wait till I get the bike back on the road. Riding is the best way to blow off steam; just get rippin' and it's like everything just can't keep up and nothing else matters. It's a pretty good release. For now I'll just listen to loud screaming rock music. It'll do.

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