Folk, how yoube? SO this is my screaming eagle cowboy hat (I added in the screaming eagle to make it awesome). I bought it at West Ed Mall for an exorbedent amount of money, but for a real cowboy hat it was quite well priced. Three times beaver blend, oh yes, nothing but the best for me. No, I don't know what a three times beaver blend means... So, now I feel like I should do something cowboyish to earn my stripes as it were, but I mean come on, i live in the Okanagan. So I'll just have to make up an awesome story.
Dang! Listerine is the shiz son. That stuff burns so good. It think the Listerine Advanced is stronger than the regular falvours because it hurts my whole face just about. Try doing the Listerine challenge; rinse for thirty seconds with listerine. Not as easy as one might think. It burns.
I had a bit of a dissapointment today with a music selection. i remembered hearing a certain song earlier and I tjhought I remembered it being really good. Well I recently aquired the CD with said song on it, but it turns out the song wasn't as good as I thought I had remembered. But then a silver lining on my grey cloud. Another song on the same album did tickle my fancy, and it's now pretty much my favourite song. Time & Confusion by Anberlin. Friggin' sweet my hommies.
Well, I think that be all for me this night. Longitude, Latitude, Later dude.