Saturday, May 05, 2007


Well, maybe not free, but definitely cheap. Anywho, it's only been like a year since I posted on here, my bad. Well, now I have no restrictions, I am unrestricted. Today was my very last day of school until next January, STOKED! It was a pretty good day, even though I had two tests, and it's a Saturday. You might think that would suck, but it was a good day, seeying all the calssmates for the last time till next year, had a pizza lunch farewell in the machne shop, and the weather is great today. Awesome. So, today my spirits are pretty high.

I have one day off, Sunday, and then on Monday I'm going to vancouver on an SME trip, doing plant tours at four or five different places in vancouver, even get to go to the Rocky Mountain Bike factory, should be dope. Then I start work on Thursday. I got a job in Summerland, so I'll pronbably be moving within the next month. It should be interesting, It'll be nice to get away from home, oh my that will be nice.

So what have I been doing lately? Well, like I said I just finished school. The last two weeks I had two extra classes, eight hours a day six days a week; one drafting class and one welding class. Welding was dope, so much fun. Oxy-fuel welding, brazing, arc welding, mig and tig. It was tons of fun. I've also been playing a lot of Guitar Hero 2, because it'sawesome fun. I can play one song now without looking at the TV half the time. Yes, I do rock. So, I'll probably be back on here before long, at least not as long as last time. Peace.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Hi Kyle!