Sunday, January 28, 2007

Since You've Been Gone

Man, I haven't posted on here in a coons age. Well friends, here I stand to write my wrongs, get it? The other day I played ghost in the grave yeard at our church (which in the dark, is just as scary as any graveyard) and it has been a coons age since I've played that game. It was a definate throw back, and we also played sardines, and I had the mother of all hiding spots, because I am the master.
Well, my second semester of school has started up now, has been for a while, and dang! Talk about getting torn a new one. This semester is way harder than my first semester was, way harder. The assignments are just as noumerous and twice as hard. It's definately turning into a struggle, especially to do my homework. It's a constant mountain of assignments. I haven't had a time when I didn't have something due since the first week.
But now for the good... Uh, I don't have time for good... I need to do stuff that makes me happy, cuz right now I really don't. I really want to work on my bike, but again I have no time for anything. So she'll sit until this summer when I get a job and hove some spare time. I can't wait for summer, that will make me happy. I've gone through withdrawl like three times already this winter. I will definately be stoked when I get to go out for my first ride of the season, even though it will most likely be cold as Frostys drawers. It will all be worth it. Then I'll have to start fixing my bike and I'll be complaining about that... It's a vicious circle. Snap.
As far as I can say right now, that's all she wrote, or he, me that is. That's all I wrote. That's all that comes to mind right now.

Check it out, I'm on a Toblerone commercial.

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